If you've been wanting to heal and connect with your inner child, but don't know where to start...

We've got you covered!
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If you've been wanting to heal and connect with your inner child, but don't know where to start...

We've got you covered!
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Inner Child Journal
is on Sale! 🥳 🎉

Soul Study is a global healing community that has helped thousands of women all over the world on their healing journey. With over 550+ downloads, heal and connect with your inner child with Soul Study's most downloaded journal of all time.


This journal is on sale for a limited time only.
Regular Price: $19.99
Grab it now for just $8.99!


Recently redone & redesigned!

We've now sold over 2000 copies since we first launched this journal and we've made it EVEN better. We've added more prompts, more exercises, and some juicy bonuses!


Grab your copy!

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It all starts at the age of 5.

At the age of five, we subconsciously form beliefs about how we should behave and what we must do to feel loved and survive in our immediate surroundings. These immature beliefs linger with us into adulthood, governing our lives and relationships. The inner child houses most of our beliefs about ourselves and is where a lot of our emotional wounds originate.

Despite growing up, the inner child continues to reside within us, influencing our mental health and contributing to self-destructive patterns and cycles. Therefore, incorporating inner child work into the healing journey is vital.

Inner child healing offers tools to individuals to overcome past traumas and move forward. Through understanding the sources of certain behavior patterns, individuals can take important steps towards recovery.

Inner child healing, especially with journaling, uses a gentle and productive approach to accessing one's pain, enabling individuals to begin the healing process.

At Soul Study, we believe that the most powerful and transformational healing work is a combination of working with the inner child and setting boundaries.


heal your inner child


heal your inner child

You have trouble setting boundaries and saying ‘no’

 You have a harsh inner voice and inner critic

You get quite emotional when you think of yourself as a child or experience blocks when you try to connect with it

You lack a strong sense of self-confidence

You tend to feel quite anxious and disconnected

You need constant reassurance and validation

You didn't have the childhood or caregivers you needed

You are constantly seeking safety and security

You fear rejection and abandonment

Michelle Hall, a Life Coach, reached out to us, letting us know she found our journal helpful for those healing from difficult childhoods.

She plans to use our journal with her clients to help them heal and connect to their inner child. ♥️

✨The Inner Child Journal was designed by Stephanie Swail ✨


This journal has specially curated prompts and exercises to help you heal and deeply connect to your inner child .

💫 I want it today for just $8.99! 💫

“I was quite dubious about a Facebook ad, but I wanted to say I've been really been enjoying using the inner child journal. It came at a time when I have been thinking about inner child world and just bit the bullet and purchased and I have not regretted it. I have been wanting to connect to that part of myself, for a long time, I am not quite finished the entire journal yet, but it has helped me so much already, I felt I wanted to share this with you. Thank you for all the work you do. Soul Study has really impressed me and I will be keeping an eye for more journals in the near future.” - Laura K


🦋 The 3 Inner Child Archetypes 🦋

Wounded Inner Child

Within this journal you will explore the 3 different archetypes of the inner child. The wounded inner child touches on all of our wounds that we carried as a child, exploring them allows us to work on healing them.

The Magical Inner Child

The second archetype is the magical inner child, the one who always believed anything and everything was possible. This archetype also holds all of our creative energy that we sometimes lose touch with as an adult. This part is the essence of our inner child.

The Inner Parent

The third archetype this journal explores is the inner parent. It's crucial that we take responsibility for the inner child and take care of it with love and care. Creating a healthy dynamic between the inner child and inner parent is absolutely key to the healing process.

✨ Get it today for just $8.99! ✨

Instant download


The Inner Child Journal

What's Included:

+ Now over 130 pages (recently updated as of April 2024!)

+ Colored and black & white version

+ Printer friendly!

+ Over 150+ in-depth questions to help you connect to your inner child (more questions added!)

+ Explores 3 Inner Child Archetypes

+ Page of inner child affirmations

+ 3 inner child letter exercises

+ Inner child & adult self parts exercise (just added!)

+ Access to our Soul Study playlists - perfect for journaling!

+ PDF format and instant access!

+ Ipad and Tablet friendly 

+ A juicy FREE bonus— a free copy of our Boundaries for the Divine Feminine Ebook!

💫 I want it today for a one-time payment of $8.99! 💫

This is our most downloaded journal of all time and it's helped many heal & connect to their inner child. It's also recently been redesigned and redone! 🦋

PS! Our journal has recently been redesigned and redone! Check out a sample of it here!
“These in-depth prompts have really helped process my childhood and help me reconnect to my inner child.

I loved the different archetypes that I was able to explore, very helpful and healing! Great playlists to go with it as well.” 

- Tracey R

"This journal is so great! Totally worth it, made me really reflect on so many aspects of my inner child.

Got the masterclass as well and loved it, that visualization part was incredibly healing. Thank you for this amazing journal!"

- Sara R

This offer ends:









“The wounding is not my fault, but the healing is my responsibility.”

Healing your inner child is one of the most powerful ways to start.

✨ Get it on sale now! ✨


Stephanie Swail

Hi, Beautiful Beings!

I'm Stephanie Swail, a Women's Life Coach and Business Mentor & the Founder of Soul Study. Soul Study is a global membership community of women doing the inner work together. Soul Study also creates tons of resources that help you along your the healing journey. With Psychology and Life Coaching as my background, I created this Inner Child Journal for those really wanting to heal and connect to their inner child work. I've found that healing and connecting to our inner child is one of the MOST important parts of the healing journey. I hope you enjoy this journal and begin the journey of healing your inner child.


heal your inner child, you...

Build self-esteem and self-confidence

 Better understand and process your emotions

 Become more resilient and connected to your essence

 Develop healthier relationships with others

 Feel confident setting and following through with boundaries

 Heal past hurt and trauma

 Develop a sense of self and deeper acceptance

 Feel at peace with yourself and feel more harmonious

 Experience healthier and more fulfilling relationships


What sets this journal apart is its comprehensive approach. With carefully crafted sections dedicated to different aspects of the inner child, including the influential inner parent, you'll embark on a holistic expedition into the depths of your being.

Prepare to be amazed as the journaling prompts gently nudge you to reconnect with your inner child, giving you the opportunity to revisit cherished memories, untangle unresolved emotions, and gain newfound clarity. Through this introspective process, you'll find a renewed sense of understanding, compassion, and self-awareness.

As someone who has extensively journeyed through inner work, I wish I had stumbled upon this remarkable tool sooner. The Inner Child Journal is a vital resource that beautifully complements personal growth and healing. Its profound impact on my own transformation has inspired me to share it with my clients, empowering them in their own inner child work.

The Inner Child Journal is here to guide you on a deep exploration of your inner world, helping you to uncover hidden wounds, release negative patterns, and cultivate a more loving and compassionate relationship with yourself.
✨ Get it today for just $8.99! ✨

We understand that sometimes it can be overwhelming to start connecting with your inner child and you might not know where to start.

Know this, there is no right or wrong way of going about it.

It's all about what feels right for you.

We always suggest starting with journaling as it's the most accessible way to begin this journey.

The journal includes step-by-step prompts and questions that will help you explore your inner world at your own pace, without feeling overwhelmed or intimidated. And with over 130 pages of content, you will have plenty of space to write down your thoughts, feelings, and insights.

The Inner Child Journal has been downloaded well over 550 times and we are sure you will love it, especially for what we've priced it at!

We also offer instant download and lifetime access to the journal, which means that you can start your healing journey as soon as you complete your purchase. And if you ever have any questions or concerns about using the journal, our customer support team is always here to help.

If your preference is to make payment through PayPal, kindly send us an email at [email protected]. Please be advised that there is a fee associated with PayPal payments.


Here's what some of these beautiful souls have said about their experience with the journal:

"I am so glad I got this. This journal has helped me to explore parts of myself that I never knew existed and to release negative patterns that were holding me back."

- Megan

"Healing the inner child is so important and this journal has been so helpful!"

- Cait

We believe in the power of the Inner Child Journal to deeply connect you to your inner child and help you make progress in healing it.

Order your copy now and begin your journey of self-discovery, transformation, and healing your inner child.

💫 Get it on sale today for $8.99! 💫


What is Soul Study?


Soul Study is an online global membership community of evolving women on the path of personal development. We're a collective of self-led women dedicated to the evolution of mind, body, and soul.

We've worked with thousands of women worldwide to take their personal growth journey to the next level.

Within our membership community, we have monthly live events with expert facilitators, a community hub, healing resources like journals and ebooks, and much more. Soul Study is for women who are on a healing and transformational journey and want to do the work with other women from around the globe.

We also have a Soul Store where we sell our most popular journals and ebooks. We are all about sharing resources to help you on your healing journey."

More testimonials from the women healing their inner child!

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