It's time to awaken the fierce woman within you and come alive in a space that's able to meet you at the depth you require.


As a growth-oriented woman, what's preventing you from fully embodying the most powerful & potent version of you yet?

The one true thing is the answer to that question lies within you.

Perhaps, you haven't found the space where you can fully tap into it and that holds you accountable to do so. 

Let me know if this sounds familiar...

  • You've tried all of the things: therapy, courses, books, podcasts, masterclasses, you name it, but you've moved on from that; you want more out of our personal growth journey

  • You have BIG dreams for your life, relationships, career, and really being in your life's purpose

  • You've attempted to overcome personal obstacles and challenges alone and know your next step is to be guided by a group of experts and a community

  • You want a space that you can come home to & 'kick your feet' up as you pour into yourself in a way that fills your soul
  • You're an awakened, conscious, and heart-centred woman and desires to be in a space that is designed by females for females that honors the personal growth journey from a very wholistic approach
  • You're able to talk about your feelings and share what you're calling in for your life but you also back that up by taking action and are self-led

Just for a second, close your eyes and...

Imagine the feeling of being seen, and understood in your life and relationships

Envision what you more you could be accomplishing when you have a clear direction and unwavering confidence to take action to go after it

Visualize breaking through all the obstacles and beliefs that are holding you back from being in your fullest potential

Are surrounded by women from all over the world who see you and what you're calling in, and help you actualize that because they all want what's best for you


You're a woman who is growth-oriented.

You're a high-level woman—aka, an awakened, conscious, heart-centered individual, possibly a leader or soul-led entrepreneur, or simply an overall go-getter with a growth-oriented mindset who knows she's ready to take her journey a step further.

You and I both know your non-negotiable is personal growth (with a little bit of 'woo') and prioritizing yourself.

You're the type of woman who is always striving to become an even better version of yourself, holding yourself to a higher standard, always.

You love nothing more than being around women who all want to rise together, as you know you are the average of the five people you surround yourself with.

You also value the importance of investing in things that expand you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level because it enables you to overflow into every area of your life, enriching your friendships, relationships, health, finances, and even your career.

You're a woman that is all about living in true alignment with yourself.

And you are looking for that space that's able to meet you in your journey at this level of depth.
You didn't end up on this page by 'accident'.

We believe you were divinely guided here because perhaps this is just what you've been searching for. Otherwise, it wouldn't have shown up in your realm of possibilities.

The Universe is always listening and providing us with the path, but the question is are you ready to trust and surrender to it? 😉



Imagine how it would feel to...

  • Embrace more empowering beliefs, inner courage, boldness, and feminine strength so you can move through fears, frustrations, and challenges with grace and ease.
  • Finally, gain clarity on the direction you want your life to go, combined with the self-confidence to take actions that move you closer to that reality every single day.
  • Create more meaningful connections and be in full alignment in your relationships when you can show up vulnerably as your whole authentic self.

"It is your birthright to experience peace, joy, freedom, and fulfillment and it's our mission to help you claim it."


The question is, are you ready to claim it?


Welcome to Soul Study, a community of evolving women on a journey of personal growth. This is the space for high-level women who are growth-oriented and desire mind, body, and soul support from expert coaches and therapists to help them thrive in all areas of their lives and connect back to a community of women aspiring to rise TOGETHER.

We take personal development to the next level with our Soul Study method that focuses on wholistic growth tailored specifically for women. 

Soul Study is your dedicated resource crafted to guide you through a transformative personal growth journey, uniting with like-minded women who recognize the importance of self-prioritization.
Tailored for the awakened woman, Soul Study focuses on four key components listed further below. These elements collectively form the essential building blocks for holistic wellness across every facet of a woman’s life. This is the one-stop shop that addresses all your personal growth needs, and with a sprinkle of 'woo’.
Count me in!

Soul Study is for you if you're...

  • Committed to your journey of personal development and spiritual growth

  • Ready to feel more deeply connected to yourself and feel a sense of belonging with others on the same path

  • Understand that you can only get so far by doing this work alone and that the missing piece to your journey is community all while being guided by experts

  • Not only focused on healing past trauma, but you want to move forward towards becoming the best version of yourself

  • Feeling like you can't talk to your friends and family about the "woo-woo" stuff and you've been looking for your soul tribe who just gets it

  • Loving the accountability of live events, an intentional community, and a space that enhances your personal evolution

  •  Want to grow not only as a human being but a spiritual one
  • Wanting an online space where you are not just a number and where you will actually have the opportunity to be coached by our experts
  • Desiring to meet and talk with other women on the same path because you know intentional community is everything

I was on a quest to find an intimate online personal growth community where women not only feel safe and seen but were also supported by expert coaches and therapists…

I didn't find anything that was up to my standards, so I created one myself.


Before I (Stephanie) created Soul Study, I searched for a women's group that focused on personal growth for mind, body, and soul. 

I wanted one that honoured both the human and spiritual experience.

Listen, I'm picky when it comes to a space that meets my standards. I have over a decade of experience in this industry, a degree in Psychology, I'm a Certified Life and Relationship Coach, Certified Trauma-Informed, and have been leading women's healing spaces for a very long time—let's just say, I've got standards, and they're high.


 I was searching for a place where I could be supported in my own journey of personal and spiritual evolution, and one that covered a wide variety of topics, because I get bored very easily and a wholistic approach is the BEST and only approach, in my opinion.

I found communities but it felt like a giant masterclass with tiny screens of humans watching and there was no community aspect.

No thanks, we have YouTube for that.

I wanted an intimate space where women who are growth-orientated could come together and create deep, meaningful friendships and walk the path together, even if they were on other sides of the world.

I also wanted a space where women would have close proximity to expert coaches and therapists and be able to ask questions and get hot seat coaching on the call without having to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars.

I didn't find anything like it.

So I created it myself and built it up, brick by brick.

Later, I brought in in-house expert coaches and therapists to cover the 4 main pillars of wholistic wellbeing designed specifically for women:

1️⃣ Embodied Leadership & Mindset Coaching

2️⃣ Divine Feminine Energetics, Somatics, & Spiritual Growth

3️⃣ Trauma-Informed Coaching

4️⃣ Relationship & Personal Performance Coaching

As women, it's important that mind, body, and soul growth are honored.


Soul Study was founded in 2020 since our doors have opened hundreds of women from all over the world and from the ages of 25-55+ have come into our community to take their personal growth journey to the next level.

Inside Soul Study, we have…

🕊️ Monthly live events, led by our different in-house, expert coaches & therapists and that accommodate all time zones

🕊️ A content library of over 200 hours worth of recordings from past sessions

A Soul Study app so you can have us on the go

🕊️ Extra workshops where we bring on special guest experts, like psychologists, trained therapists, & coaches

🕊️ Specially designed go at your own pace courses 

🕊️ and the most important thing is that we have women inside who are there to celebrate you and are there to help each other rise, together.

If you're a high-level woman—aka, an awakened, conscious, heart-centered individual, perhaps even a leader or soul-led entrepreneur, or simply an overall go-getter with a growth-oriented mindset who knows she's ready to take her journey a step further…


Ready to come into a space the honours all parts of you and where you will be supported along your journey by experts and attend monthly live events that nourish your mind, body, & soul?!



Then there's no doubt our community is for you and we have women from all around the world who await you inside.

Each core pillar is taught by our in-house expert coaches & therapists. You can scroll down to meet our team!

Everything we teach you inside Soul Study helps you to...

♥️ Start living on purpose and lead yourself more confidently

♥️ Learn to break free from limiting beliefs that hold you back from taking action to create the life and relationships, you deeply desire

♥️ Break the cycle and liberate your ancestral line from trauma

♥️ Embody your personal power and connect to your divine feminine energy

Claim the empowered and fulfilled life that you deserve


Here are the main pillars we cover inside our live events in Soul Study:

Pilar I: Embodied Leadership & Mindset Coaching by Founder of Soul Study, Life & Business Mentor Stephanie Swail

Here are some examples of past session topics:
  • Building Self-Trust: Learn to Trust Your Inner Compass to Navigate Intuitive Decision Making 
  • Navigating Conflict & Leading with Effective Communication
  • Being a Self-Led Woman and Leading With Integrity 
Pilar II: Divine Feminine Energetics, Somatics, and Spiritual Growth by Elizabeth Tracy

Here are some examples of past session topics:
  • The Cycles of Intuition & Letting Go What No Longer Serves You
  • Activating your Authentic Voice & Self-Expression
  • UNLEASHED - The journey to reclaim the power within through masculine and feminine energetics
Pilar III: Trauma-Focused Group Coaching by Specialized Trauma Therapist Samaria Williams

Here are some examples of past session topics:
  • Managing the Discomfort of Setting Boundaries with Loved Ones
  • Healing Intergenerational Trauma
  • Becoming her: Turning pain into Power from a trauma-informed lens
Pilar IV: Relationship & Personal Performance Coaching by Coach Oriana

Here are some examples of past session topics:
  • Feminine Communication in Relationships with Men
  • Reinvent Your Self-Image Through Self-Discipline
  • Risk, Rejection, and Revealing Yourself
Pilar V: Seminar & Personal Growth Workshop with Special Guest Experts

Every 1-2 months, we introduce a brand NEW, expert guest speaker—be it a therapist, coach, psychologist, or other experts—dedicated to enlightening our members on a specialized topic.

Here are some examples of past session topics:
  • ShameLESS: Hearing & Healing The Inner Critic by Psychologist Kristen Antonio
  • Becoming Fearless and Abundant: Release Limiting Beliefs and Fears through EFT with Manifestation & NLP Coach Sumaya
  • Trauma and IFS (Internal Family Systems) by Psychologist Jennifer Faungdes
  • Tending to the Nervous System & How to Get Your Energy Back by Women's Health Coach & Osteopath Lucy Paget 

We'll let the women inside speak for themselves...

“Signing on with Soul Study, may very well be the best decision I have ever made. I knew I wanted to heal, yet I didn’t know what that looked like, the first circle I was a part of was on forgiveness and immediately I knew I was in the right place when all my wondering ‘how to’ was being presented. The woman were so welcoming, there was zero judgment, and there was a feeling of love and compassion yet I had no personal tie to anyone in the group, yet.

Soul Study is where my soul has learned to heal, where I have been provided the tools and community to freely go through my journey alongside like-minded women from all over the world with many talents and gifts. I will forever be grateful to Stephanie, and when I think of things I appreciate manifesting in my life, soul study is definitely one of them, I am proud to be a soul member and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us as a community”


“Joining Soul study was probably one of the best things I did for myself - I invested in my own worth and not only gained valuable lessons, but I also gained a family of women! I actually have a sense of self now and more confidence in myself and what I am capable of doing, also do things solo which would have never been the case before. Soul Study attracts beautiful souls; it’s not judgemental, you can speak freely and know that space will be held and comfort will be given. The bond is nearly instant and sharing that common goal of self-development and healing makes the world feel a little less lonely! I honestly could not have asked for a better community to be on this journey with!”



Hey there, I'm Stephanie Swail.

As a mentor for evolving women and creator of this community, I’ve worked with hundreds of women over the last decade, and it is truly my Soul’s calling to guide women into their truth and authenticity.

Soul Study was created because I know that we as women need a sacred and safe space to do this work- together.

I am here to support women on their journey so they can stop meeting the needs of others and start meeting their own.

For so long I saw women doing this inner work alone, and to be honest, at one point I did too...

Then I realized it does not have to be that way… we can come into the community and do the inner work together.

It’s time we step into our power and potency and reclaim ALL of who we are.

Anything is possible for all of you, you are worthy of it all, and it’s my job along with Soul Study’s community to help you see that and get you there.

Together we evolve and together we rise.


Oriana Guevara

Executive Coach, Certified Relationship Coach, & Soul Study Facilitator

Coach Oriana helps women to develop an unstoppable mindset in all aspects of their life, relationships, business or career. Her work includes a heavy focus on overcoming disempowering value systems and beliefs, combined with transitioning out of short-term high-achievement thinking and habits and into long-term sustainable personal performance goals, habits, and expectations that support an individuals ability to succeed across all aspects of their life, relationships and careers. She is passionate about supporting individuals' personal and professional transformation to become more self-led, confident, interdependent, and spiritually aligned.

Coach Oriana has been a facilitator in Soul Study since 2021 and leads a monthly Soul Study event addressing different relationship topics that are relevant to women in a series called Relationship Real Talk.

PS. Yahoo nominated Oriana as one of the TOP female personal performance coaches in USA! 🎉


Elizabeth (Liz) Tracy

Womb Embodiment Guide, Women’s Holistic Somatic Healing Practitioner, Midwife, Circle Facilitator

Elizabeth is allllll things Divine Feminine, and her work is focused on women reclaiming their power, sovereignty, through practices like embodiment, womb healing, intuitive movement, and other somatic practices. She walks alongside women as a guide and midwife of the feminine soul, supporting them through their own rebirths, helping them to navigate their inner realms with clarity and step into the richer and fuller existence available for them. Her work carries women through a portal of remembrance, where they reclaim the sacredness within them, their wombs, and their magnificent Feminine spirit.

Elizabeth leads events inside Soul Study and she brings her depth, somatic experiences, and embodiment for every woman to feel the full depths of her innate power & aliveness. She helps our members reclaim their feminine essence and power; her events are not missed!

Samaria Williams

Trauma-Informed Therapist, Leadership Coach, Facilitator, and Soul Study's Facilitator for Trauma Lab  

Samaria Williams is a Licensed Integrative Psychotherapist and Leadership Coach, who shares work centered around trauma-informed care, trauma recovery, mental health awareness, social justice, and the power of finding common ground centred in our shared humanity. Her flagship program, Safe Trauma Practice, a trauma practitioner certification program, supports professionals in becoming trauma-aware & trained so that they can incorporate the trauma-informed framework in their work and business in ways that work for the highest good of all. In her private somatic coaching practice, she supports women to heal and integrate the legacy & imprints of trauma in order to create lives, businesses, and relationships that they adore from a place of wholeness.

Samaria leads her signature event, Trauma Lab, inside with Soul Study. Her sessions focus on topics, looking through them from a lens of trauma; she also opens her calls to Q & A, and our members LOVE her events.



Here's what you get when you join Soul Study:

Monthly Live Events led by our expert coaches & therapists (all events are recorded & accommodate all time zones as we are a global community!)
(value $599)
Access to Soul Study's most POPULAR course: The Way of the Self-Led Woman
(value $1000)
Access to our entire content library vault with over 200 hours of recordings from past sessions (think the Netflix of personal growth!)
(value $4000)
Soul Study App so you can plug in and have us 'on-the-go'!
(value $500)
Expert In-House Coaches & Therapists and Special Guests. Our Soul Study team is the best of the best, and each one has their private practice outside of Soul Study.
(value $1000)
Close proximity to our coaches and hot-seat live coaching! This is not a community where you just sit back and watch, you have the opportunity to ask questions and get guidance from expert professionals.
(value $1000)
When you add that all up, it comes out to a value of over $7000!

Just press play & listen to what our members have to share with you.


“Soul Study has been a big part of my life for the last couple of years. I started Soul Study when it was first created and I am so proud to watch it grow to what it has become today. I was looking for guidance and help navigating out of a toxic relationship. I gained so much more from Soul Study! It has helped me develop self-confidence, self-compassion and self-love.

I would not be where I am at in life without the knowledge I have gained from my sessions in Soul Study. I went from a dead-end relationship, not working and people-pleasing mindset to a confident single woman traveling the United States for a living. I would recommend Soul Study to any woman that feels lost, needs some guidance or just a little push to become the queen she deserves to become in her life.”


“Soul Study is going to change your life if you are willing to do the work! My life is completely different than if was 2 years ago when I started and I am still learning so much from these amazing women. The topics that are explored are very diverse (spiritual, business, relationship, body, money, self-love, etc) so it will help you grow and heal every aspect of your life. Several women have now become friends and support each other on this journey, making it easier and more fun. Soul Study feels like a safe space: never felt judged, ashamed, or criticized for where I was in my journey. It's quite humbling to see a group of women empowering each other, being kind to each other, helping through tough times - while we are spread across the globe and come from different cultures and backgrounds.”



What if we told you there's a way you get all of that for just $97? 🤫🙉

Imagine embarking on the journey that heads to your highest potential with a powerful community of women who are actively engaged on the same journey of self-discovery, as you, and who are committed to truly exploring and finding themselves. 

Because that is what's inside of Soul Study. A community of women from all over the world who are on a journey of personal growth together. Hundreds of women have walked through our doors to take their personal growth journey to the next level. In fact, over 90% of those who join notice an increase in their confidence, emotional well-being, and feel more deeply connected to themselves.

Soul Study

is an online community of evolving women on the journey of personal growth for mind, body, and soul. We have monthly live events. led by expert facilitators. We're a community of women dedicated to evolving and stepping into our highest potential.


When you join as a Soul Study member, you get all of this included right when you join:

  • Self-Led Woman 5-Part Course
    (value $699)
  • Soul Study Online Platform & Soul Study App
    (value $997)
  • 3+ Monthly Live Events inside Soul Study (events are also recorded, value $800+)
  • Soul Study's Entire Content Library with over 200+ hours of replays
    (value $4000+)
  • Private Soul Study Telegram Group (value $500+)
  • An entire content library full of Soul Study journals
    (value $200+)
  • Discounts on courses and other offers by Soul Study and Stephanie
    (value $100-$500)
  • A community of soul sisters from around the world
    You can't put a price tag on that!

There's more!


"Soul Study is like therapy and coaching on steroids, with a community of kick-ass women. They host live events each month that cover every topic pertaining to self-discovery and personal growth, in a way that's very holistic and honors both the human and spiritual experience." - Soul Study Member


Enroll today for a special investment of just $97/month! 🥳




Cancel anytime after your first month. (Price in USD)




Save $40 and pay every 4 months 
(Price in USD)

You literally get all of that for the price of 10 lattes 🍵.

Furthermore, according to the surveys we send out, over 90% of the women who join Soul Study report an increase in their confidence, ability to set and communicate boundaries, feel more deeply connected to themselves, and improve their emotional well-being just after a few months of joining.

Not only that but over 85% of the women join Soul Study continue on after five months. We also have Soul Study alumni that come back into our community, and some of the members inside have been there since 2020. 🥳


We completely understand your concern about 'readiness'. However, it's important to recognize that the idea of a 'right' or 'wrong' time is an illusion. If this was the wrong, time this opportunity wouldn't show up within your realm of possibilities. Growth and transformation don't always align neatly with our schedules. Instead, consider that taking this step could actually create the perfect timing for you. 

This journey isn't a matter of how 'ready' you are, it's a matter of how committed and willing you are to step into an elevated version of yourself. Your perception of your personal lack of readiness is a limiting belief that this experience will help you overcome. This is about choosing YOU and making yourself and your evolution a priority. 

Now is the perfect time to make time for YOU.


We understand the demands of a busy life. That's why all our content is recorded, giving you the flexibility to engage when it suits you. Many members balance full-time work and households, yet still make time for themselves. We've got you covered! This community is structured in a way that makes it accessible to all women who are willing to make the commitment across all time zones and across scheduling concerns. We value your time as much as you do, and that's why we've designed this program to help you overcome your limiting beliefs around time and how you engage in experiences that you value. 

Embracing this opportunity represents your first step toward learning to create time and harness your energy for the things and experiences that matter to you.

Now is the time to prioritize YOURSELF.


If you're not already experiencing the level of financial abundance that you'd like, there's a reason for that. That reason may be why you're experiencing concerns about financially investing in yourself through this experience.

We completely understand you and that's why overcoming limited and disempowering beliefs around money and understanding how to create wealth and abundance are explicitly addressed in Soul Study.

Here's the thing, continuing to deprive yourself of the meaningful growth experiences that you need and desire and that you know could transform your life isn't going to help you overcome your financial concerns and limitations— it's only going to create more of that. Whereas, an investment in yourself and in your healing is an investment with infinite returns. Inside Soul Study you'll begin to shift your relationship with money from scarcity to abundance.

Now is the time to invest in YOU.

Now is my time!

Here's what more of our members have to say about Soul Study! ▶️


Good, because there's something I need to tell you.

I want to tell you how prioritizing myself changed my life, relationships, and financial situation.

There was a time in my life when I was very LOST and disconnected.

I was stuck in dead-end toxic relationship.

I had debt and next to nothing in my bank account— I lived pay cheque to pay cheque.

I was paralyzed by self-doubt and fear of failing and letting others down.

I didn't ask for what I needed and truly played small.

I knew I had a calling within to create something incredible, but I was blocked by every limiting belief you could think of.

I avoided hard conversations and stepping out of my comfort zone like the plague.

I felt like I was in a never-ending loop and couldn't get out of it.

Until I couldn't handle one more second of it. I reached my limit. I couldn't take the situation I found myself in. I was at my wit's end.

I left the relationship, I moved out of where I was living, and I said 'no' to anything that didn't feel aligned anymore.

There comes a point when things get so uncomfortable that we know we need to change because there's no other way.

We all get a wake-up call, and sometimes more than one.

Many years later, I stand where I am today as a Women's Mentor and business owner, because I took full responsibility for myself and went ALL IN.

I invested in personal growth work, trainings, retreats, programs, you name it.

But truthfully, the most important piece of it all and what brought everything to life… is that I became self-led.

It's what led me to my purpose and the work I now do today.

There's a reason I say 'self-led' and for some it's just a word, but becoming 'self-led' has CHANGED the trajectory of my life.

It has made me a better friend, partner, coach, business owner, and individual.

It has changed my financial situation, my love life, my relationship with my family, my health, my relationship with myself, literally everything.

It's what has led me to transform the lives of HUNDREDS of women that I've coached.


Because being a self-led woman means that we cultivate a deep sense of trust within ourselves, that we are able to navigate and lead ourselves in all areas of our lives, no matter how difficult they may be.

With over a decade of experience guiding women on this path, I know that when you walk through these doors you will experience radical transformations and breakthroughs.


Frequently Asked Questions

Hear it from the women inside Soul Study:

Soul Study is a group of women who help you learn how to live your best life. They are there to support you in all aspects of your life. There are live calls, videos to watch or rewatch, journals to download based on what you wish to process, book resources, I could go on and on. So many helpful tools all in one place. Soul Study has many calls each month but if you miss them because of life events. They are recorded and you can watch them at your leisure. The women in this community are all like minded. They either are on a similar path, have been on a similar path, or are searching for what they want. Since joining, I’ve noticed myself taking action for myself and giving myself time for me. It's been a journey of healing, living, and becoming more aware of myself and who I wanted to become. It has been an amazing experience for me! Join, and you will never look back. There are so many resources, guides, friends, and events you can’t go wrong."


“I joined Soul Study a while ago and really enjoyed the community and content. I could feel the change within myself. I was more self-aware, and confident and just overall felt safer with myself. I stopped my membership due to financial reasons and after a year without Soul Study, I truly realize that I need to make my self-growth a priority. I really enjoy how Soul Study has multiple events during the course of the month. And If I can't make one I have the whole session available to replay at a time that is convenient for me. Soul Study may have people all over the world connected but it has a small-town feel. Everyone is really nice, welcoming and open-minded. It truly feels like a safe space to open up about things I may be going through. You won't regret joining- investing in yourself is worth the price.”



"I am eternally grateful for finding Soul Study and answering that Instagram Ad because they helped me find what I was looking for."

"When I joined soul study as I was feeling lost. At the time I was burned out from a stressful job in an unsatisfying career and struggling with family circumstances and I was looking for clarity and direction on what to do next. I found all of that and more with Soul Study.

I found the guidance and support that I was looking for in this beautiful community of self led women. The events are incredible and are led by a number of wonderful powerful women whose professional and life experiences charge these events and bring them to life. I’ve learned how to love myself better, set better boundaries and have better faith in myself. The events and the journalling both generate reflection, breakthroughs and better understanding. These were the first people I shared my breakthroughs and decisions with and I have felt loved, acknowledged and celebrated in doing so.

They have helped calm my mind and driven some really big decisions that I’ve made with regards to my career as well as my life. I am eternally grateful for finding Soul Study and answering that Insta Ad because they helped me find what I was looking for."



It's time to claim your spot inside:




  • Includes Soul Study Membership
  • 3 monthly live events per month (with access to recordings)
  • All of Soul Study's material, recordings, platform, app, etc
  • Cancel anytime after one month



  • Includes Soul Study Membership
  • 3-4 monthly live events per month
  • All of Soul Study's material, recordings, platform, app, etc
  • Save $40 and pay every 4 months

Still on the fence and thinking, "is this the right fit for me?" 


Just press play▶️


If you're looking for a space that is designed to serve women on this journey, and your non-negotiable is personal growth and prioritizing yourself…

Then Soul Study is that place, and you can rest assured I will always stand up for who we are and who we serve and the core values we abide by. 
Truthfully, I know Soul Study is ONLY a good fit, IF you're the kind of woman who…
👉Is always striving to become an even better version of yourself, holding yourself to a higher standard, always
👉 Is completely growth-oriented, loves learning, and embraces challenges as opportunities for personal growth
👉 Has done quite a bit of 'inner work' already, perhaps with a therapist or coach, but is looking to take it to the next level
👉 Takes responsibility for herself and does what is necessary to hold herself accountable and take action to step into the best version of herself

👉Values the importance of investing in things that expand you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level because it enables you to overflow into every area of your life, enriching your friendships, relationships, health, finances, and even your career
👉 Loves being surrounded by other like-minded women who are on a similar journey and want to see each other rise to the top
👉Wants to be mentored by expert coaches, therapists, and other special guests within personal growth
👉Loves joining monthly live events that nourish your mind, body, and soul
👉Understands that we evolve as human and spiritual beings and that holistic growth is the best way to evolve
👉Sees the value in having a sacred sisterhood where it's safe to show up just as you are
👉 That is all about living in true alignment with yourself

If all of that 👆 has you feeling like, 'YESSSSS! That totally hits home!' then chances are you'd be a perfect fit for our community; there's ZERO doubt about that.